Virginia Branch
The Virginia Branch has over 300 members, spread across the United States and Europe, and meets twice each year, in the spring and the fall.

Branch officers for 2023 - 2025
President: Greg Eanes
VP for Scholarship: Dr. Ann M. Woodlief
VP for Military History: Gene Garrison
Chaplain: Kimberly M. Howard
Treasurer & Historian: B. Diane Daniel
Registrar: Susan Starbuck
Recording Secretary: Amy B. Licato
Corresponding Secretary: Deborah B. Edlund
Advisor to the Board: Shirley Seaborn.
Previous Presidents:
Shirley W. Seaborn
Jack Apperson
Gene Garrison
Carol Cason
Linda Scoville
Ann Woodlief
The chapter awards an annual scholarship for graduating high school seniors or college students who write an essay on Huguenot history. For details see the new application for Scholarship for the Virginia . You do not need to have Huguenot heritage to apply.
For details about membership, please e-mail your name and address to Any certified descendant of the Huguenots in colonial Virginia are eligible to join.