Bethel Baptist Church

1100 Huguenot Springs Road, within sight of Midlothian Turnpike
The present Bethel Baptist Church, built in 1894, is the third meeting place of this
congregation, which was established as an offshoot of Spring Creek Church in 1799.
The Gothic Revival structure is the only nineteenth century brick church in
Chesterfield. Constructed of five-course American bond brick, with decorative
buttresses defining each bay, the building features a steep gable roof sheathed in
slate and pierced by gabled vents.
The fleur-de-lis finials capping the vestibule and main front gables are said to have
been used because a large part of the congregation was of French Huguenot descent.
Indeed, the general form and detailing of the church appears to be based on French
rather than English Gothic models.
Bethel is a registered Virginia Historic Landmark and is on the National Register of
Historic Places. It was so designated for its contribution to religious freedom in our
nation. Not only were many of its founders descendants of Huguenots seeking
freedom from persecution in France, but it was also a haven for dissenters from the
Church of England around the time of the Revolutionary War, and it was the mother
church of Mt. Sinai Church when its Negro members departed after the Civil War.
Compiled by Lucille C. Moseley for the 300th Anniversary
Celebrating the Arrival of the Huguenots in Virginia